1337X torrent website

1337X torrent site offers a wide range of downloadable files, audio, games and movie torrents in well-structured database. Its torrent catalog is not as wide as several well-known torrent site like ExtraTorrent, but at 1337x.to also can be found older content files that are not available elsewhere at 10+ million torrent database. Torrent download does not require registration, it is growing in traffic and most of it is coming from India, US, Australia and UK.

Alexa ranking:323
SimilarWeb ranking:494
Monthly visitors:90.5M*
* Visitor data from Similarweb.com
* Alexa and Similarweb global ranking data

1337x.to website is in line with most popular torrent sites in a world. The site content uploaded by users as it is based on community, where people is sharing movie and other torrent files for free download. After reconstruction now this website it is fully secure to browse and download torrents. 1337X movies has separated section with clean movie poster and ranking list. Here you can browse movies by genre, years and languages which puts 1337X movies to very well structured movie torrents search engine including the same quality also for TV series library.

Here you can search for latest movies and stay secure at the same time. This site is good alternative for RARBG and Torrentz2 torrent website. If this site in your country is not available, the best way to unblock 1337x.to could be using VPN services as many proxy links could put you on a security risk.

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1337X torrent website